Campwise Alerts

Real-time, personal notification tools
With Alerts, Campwise provides the ability to set up specific user-level notifications that can be delivered in real-time to the screens of your choice.


  • Activity Selected/Requested in Online Registration
  • Roommate is Requested in Online Registration
  • Transportation is Selected/Requested in Online Registration
  • Camper is Waitlisted in Online Registration


  • Online Staff Application is Submitted
  • Online Staff Reference is Received
  • Online Staff Background Check is Submitted
  • Staff Contract is Recreated
  • Staff Contract is Signed by Online Staff
  • Staff Contract is Signed by both Camp and Online Staff


  • Event Contract is Recreated
  • Event Contract is Signed by Guest Group
  • Event Contract is Signed by both Camp and Guest Group


  • Guest Donation is Received
  • Guest Donation with “In Memory” or “In Honor” Designation


  • Report of Daily Registration and Donor Recurring Payments
  • Discount is Requested in Online Registration
Campwise Camp Management Software
One Solution. All the Tools. Peace of Mind.