We Keep Your Camp Ahead of the Curve

Campwise Keeps Your Camp Ahead of the Curve

Here’s What’s New:

    Campwise Communication ToolsCOMMUNICATION TOOLS

  • The Campwise suite of communication tools provides the ability to communicate with individuals and/or families via SMS/Text or Email. Text or email individual campers, staff and/or donors. Send mass text messages to all campers in a specific session, program and/or sub-program. Mass email all campers, or select Campers, in one or more sessions and programs.

    Campwise StaffSTAFF MANAGEMENT

  • Background checks: We have partnered with Protect My Ministry to provide your camp with an integrated background check process to minimize paperwork
  • Multiple staff reference templates: Provides the ability to define how many references you’d like to collect for each of your different positions as opposed to only setting it as one universal number that couldn’t be changed
  • Staff transactions for camp store and medications

    Campwise Mobile AppsMOBILE APPS

  • Campwise SWIPE
  • Campwise Payment Terminal
  • Transportation Check-in
  • Activity Selection
  • Registration Check-in
  • Day Camp Check-in
  • Person Lookup
  • Conference Calendar
  • Donor Lookup

    Campwise ConferenceCONFERENCES

  • Online conference payments & forms
  • Integration with Google and Outlook calendars
  • Electronic signatures on contracts

    Campwise RegistrationREGISTRATION

  • MROC (Multiple Registrations One Charge)
  • Wristbands: Campwise has the capability to assign a barcode to each camper, allowing the camp to easily find camper information. The wristbands could be used for check-in, for camp store purchases, and for dispensing of medications.

    Campwise ReportsCAMPWISE REPORTS

  • Worksheets: Populate data to a web browser worksheet from within the product. The worksheets are interactive: data can be sorted, grouped, re-ordered and filtered in a browser and optionally exported with one click of a button. If exporting, the resulting file can be opened with Excel or Numbers (Mac).

    Campwise AlertsCAMPWISE ALERTS

  • Campwise Alerts provide the ability to set up specific user-level and process-related notifications inside the software. Users can choose to be notified in Campwise, via SMS and/or Email. Campwise will continue to develop and release additional Alert subscriptions in the future.

    Campwise Form UploadsUPLOAD FORMS

  • Allow users to upload forms to store within their record
Campwise Camp Management Software
One Solution. All the Tools. Peace of Mind.